Many people who suffer from chronic joint pain often give up sports or activities they enjoy with friends and family.
Severe long-term pain and physical disability may result from bone and joint conditions, according to the U.S. Bone & Joint Initiative.
Conditions like arthritis, back pain, fractures, osteoporosis, sports trauma and other ailments may limit a person’s mobility and dexterity.
Having limited mobility often leads to early work retirement, lower levels of well-being and reduced participation in society, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Bone and Joint Action Week is observed Oct. 12-20. This week raises awareness worldwide about prevention, disease management and treatment for several conditions.
Musculoskeletal conditions are predicted to increase unless new treatments and preventive measures are found, according to the U.S. Bone & Joint Initiative. Reasons for the rise in cases include increasing life expectancy and risk factor changes.
With the right care and treatment, many people can return to an active lifestyle without suffering in pain.
Billions Suffer With Pain, Lack of Mobility
Musculoskeletal conditions affect more than 1.7 billion people worldwide, according to WHO.
Bone and Joint Action Week brings attention to some of these conditions, including osteoarthritis and childhood injuries and disorders.
Osteoarthritis is a chronic joint disease that causes pain, disability and loss of function. The disease occurs most frequently in the hands, hips and knees.
World Arthritis Day is Oct. 12. About 58.5 million U.S. adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Some forms of arthritis affect only one joint, whereas many affect more than one. Without treatment, arthritis may cause long-term damage to joints.
Another observance is Oct. 19 — World Pediatric Bone and Joint Day. Every year, about 19 million children receive medical treatment for a musculoskeletal-related condition. These conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures, tendinitis, developmental dysplasia of the hip, muscular dystrophy and osteoporosis.
Contributing factors of musculoskeletal disorders in children include car accidents, playground accidents, sports injuries, obesity, poor posture and vitamin D deficiency.
People who experienced a childhood bone or joint injury often suffer from chronic pain, stiffness or limited mobility as adults. People often experience chronic pain in their back, hips, knees or shoulders.
Treatment Options Available
Several options are available to treat chronic musculoskeletal pain.
The Arthritis Foundation suggests several tips to manage pain and maintain your mobility at home. The first tip is to take any prescription or over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs recommended by your doctor.
Managing your weight also is key because excess weight can cause more pressure on the weight-bearing joints and increase pain.
Weight management may be easier if you stay active with activities like walking, water aerobics at your local gym or yoga. These low-impact activities can help reduce joint pain and improve flexibility, balance and strength, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Cardiovascular exercise, like biking on a stationary bike, also helps keep your heart in shape.
The Arthritis Foundation also advises that maintaining a positive attitude may significantly boost your ability to cope with pain. To keep your spirits high, consider engaging in a hobby or a stress-free activity with your loved ones.
While helpful in the short term, medications, exercises and activities may not relieve your chronic joint pain or maintain your mobility as you get older.
An orthopedic procedure, like arthroscopy, or even total joint replacement surgery may be your long-term solution. Orthopedic expertise is available by contacting our group of nationwide doctors.
Schedule Procedure Before Deductible Resets
If you are experiencing severe joint pain, don’t delay your care. Our procedures and treatments are performed on an outpatient basis. This means no prolonged hospital stay and more time at home to recover.
Have you already met your insurance deductible? To take full advantage of your health plan benefits, schedule your procedure before the end of the calendar year. Your deductible will reset in January, so contact your insurance company to verify your status. Then, call to schedule an appointment for an exam.
Undergoing an orthopedic procedure will help to relieve or eliminate your pain and restore your range of motion. Then, you can return to your active lifestyle and enjoy spending time with your friends and family.